“In the shadow of the pyramid of Caius Cestius Epulon” is the adrenaline-filled spy story written by Francesco Roesler Franz. A complex novel in terms of plot and meaning, but fast-paced and simply written. The book is available in online stores and the best bookshops.
The writer Francesco Roesler Franz was able to merge two stories that initially do not seem to have any connection, leading into the heart of the events. The author tells the story of the Roesler Franz family from its Bohemian origins, but also introduces them to the cultural circles and courts of Europe from the 16th to the 18th century. Esotericism ties the various themes together, giving a unique touch to this book in which the Roesler Franz family has links with the Rosicrucian, the Freemasons, the Carbonari, the Dante Society, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and the Jewish Kabbalah.
Book synopsis
Bob is a CIA agent, a secret shared with a select few. As well as having a rare sixth sense, he possesses great intuition and is very skilled at his craft. A dream he has had at night shocks him into investigating what is hidden in what he can only guess at. He sets off for Rome, where he meets the mysterious Sarah. The young woman has a doctorate in art and is deepening her knowledge of the international connections between Italy and European countries during the 19th century, together with an English professor who is an expert in esotericism. Bob, helped by Sarah, follows the traces left by the painter Ettore Roesler Franz, who painted 120 watercolours in the Roma Sparita collection. What links the art to the dream and the events that took place? What is the hidden message to discover!
Art, Rome, travel, esotericism, encounters and hidden secrets are some of the central themes from which the story unfolds in an interesting way. The reader will want to know the ending and will look forward to it.
“In the Shadow of the Pyramid of Caius Cestius Epulon” is a novel that leads to look at art, places and people with more attentive eyes is an open mind.